Terms & Conditions - ART of BODYWORK training

What other practitioners say:

"I’m truly so grateful. The results are phenomenal!"
- SW - Queensland, Australia -

"I love the scoliosis work - it’s amazing!"
- LD - California, USA -

"The moves for head extension blow me away."
- KW - California, USA -

"The lumbar disc work saved me! Thank you for sharing."
- GB - Australia -

"Your work is very profound yet simple and straightforward!"
- PM - Oxford, UK -

"This stuff is so simple - I don’t believe it works so quickly."
- ST - Lancashire, UK -

"I love the work for pronated feet - it’s a game changer and made a big difference to so many people. Wunderbar!"
- SL - Germany -
Can't make it to a class? See our ONLINE training
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After paying your deposit you will be asked to complete a REGISTRATION FORM and to agree the our ETHICAL AGREEMENT statement and to the following TERMS AND CONDITIONS:

I understand that if I cancel my attendance to the course, deposits are non-refundable at any time. (Where payment has been made in full then the deposit amount quoted is non refundable.)

The organisers reserve the right to cancel a workshop if the minimum participant numbers are not met, or for circumstances beyond the organiser's control.

A full refund of all tuition fees will be made if the organiser cancels the course. Travel and accommodation expenses are not included in this refund.

I understand that if I make a payment by mistake and need a refund then there will be a 10% deduction to cover PayPal fees.

I understand that I will not make any travel and accommodation arrangements until the workshop is confirmed. Confirmation will be announced on the Course Dates page.

I understand that if I cannot attend due to illness or accidental injury then a doctor's statement will be required for a refund of course balances to be made (not deposits). Serious extenuating circumstances will be considered by the organisers for a refund of balance fees - but not deposits. (Where payment has been made in full then the deposit amount quoted is non refundable.)

I acknowledge that the organisers have the right to refuse an enrolment without explanation.

I understand that the Ethical Agreement must be completed by me after paying my deposit and prior to attending the course. Refusal to do so automatically cancels my booking with a loss of all fees paid.

©ART of BODYWORK TRAINING 2019-2025 - info@ARTofBODYWORK.training
DCE Approved with:D
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