After more than 6 years absence, the Art of Bodywork is coming back to Perth, Western Australia.
The last very successful course took place in July 2018.
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This 3-day class will be of great interest not only to massage therapists and NKT therapists, but also to physiotherapists, Bowen therapists, Emmett therapists etc.
Don't miss our next class in Perth.
We don't know if we will be back again.

Alastair explains:
“I am delighted to return to beautiful Western Australia and share my work with you.
AoB is a continually developing body of work, and there are so many more practitioners
that have heard about me but (as yet) are not aware of all these other techniques I developed.
If you already learned my work for scar tissue (MSTR®) then you will find these additional nineteen
(yes 19!) techniques just as effective and useful for all kinds of client problems you’ll find in your clinic.
These techniques blend easily into your other bodywork skills and are very reliable and effective.
This will be a fabulous opportunity to learn.”
“Those of you who know me already, know these classes are fun days in which to learn lots of new things and you’ll take away practical and useful tools to help even more people.
I can’t wait to see you!”
Here is a full list of all the topics that will be demonstrated and practiced in the THREE DAY class: | ||||
UPPER BODY • Acromio-clavicular joint • Atlas • Breast • Head extension • Pisiform • Respiration • Scoliosis • Shoulder abduction • Thoracic spine | LOWER BODY • Ankle releases • Foot pronation • Gastric, intestinal and bowel disorders • Iliotibial band • Lumbar disc problems • Piriformis • Quadratus lumborum • Reproductive organs male & female • Rotated ilium • Thigh adductors |
The course is 95% practical work - with lots of practice time for everyone.
A beautifully produced training manual as well as class refreshments is included in the course fee.
Due to the room size, availability at the class is limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.
The date: The time: The place: The price: | May 16, 17, 18 - 2025 9:00am – 5:00pm Ground Floor, 46 King Edward Rd Osborne Park, Perth, WA 6017 AUD$1,185 - "Early bird" - this offer will end 8 weeks before the class i.e. on March 21st AUD$1,285 - regular price after March 21st |
Before booking please read our Terms and Conditions and our Ethical Agreement.
By booking on this class you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Ethical Agreement.
* Deposit ... Secure your place on the course by paying a deposit. Deposits are only refundable if we have to cancel the class.
** Balance ... To take advantage of the "Early Bird" price this should be paid before March 21st.
Go to this page for more details and to download the Art of Bodywork Prospectus