After paying your deposit you will be asked to complete a REGISTRATION FORM and to agree the our TERMS AND CONDITIONS and to the following ETHICAL AGREEMENT statement:

I will not, without prior written consent of Alastair McLoughlin, sell or reproduce the whole or any part of the content of the Art of Bodywork In Class Training either for money or without fee.

I will not, without prior written consent of Alastair McLoughlin, teach or demonstrate any part of the Art of Bodywork In Class Training techniques either by practical demonstration, by means of prerecorded or written material either for money or without fee.

I will not make any video or audio recording of any part of the Art of Bodywork In Class Training or accompanying study materials and I fully recognise that all Art of Bodywork In Class Training and study materials are protected by International Copyright laws.

I acknowledge that I will fully release Alastair McLoughlin from any and all liability in respect of any personal injury that might subsequently become evident from using the techniques outlined and demonstrated in Art of Bodywork In Class Training.

I understand that Art of Bodywork In Class Training are the sole property of Alastair McLoughlin.

I understand and acknowledge that Alastair McLoughlin owns the Intellectual Property Rights to Art of Bodywork In Class Training. I understand that I will be liable to prosecution in all deliberate cases of brand theft, misappropriation or any violation of the contents of this legally binding agreement.